
Command Syntax Example Use
CONTACT Contact [Frequency] ABC123 Contact Tower
ABC123 Contact Ground
Give a plane the command to switch to a different Frequency
CONTINUE Continue ABC123 Continue taxi Give a plane the command to continue after a hold command has been issued
HOLD Hold ABC123 Hold position Give a plane the command to hold in position
LAND Land [Runway] ABC123 Land 25
ABC123 Cleared to land on runway 25
Give a plane the command to land
PUSHBACK Pushback [Direction] ABC123 Pushback facing east Give a plane the command to pushback with the nose pointing in a specified direction
TAKEOFF Takeoff [Runway] ABC123 Takeoff 25
ABC123 Cleared for takeoff runway 25
Give a plane the command to takeoff
TAXI Taxi to [Destination] via [Route] ABC123 Taxi to runway 25 via h n k
ABC123 Taxi to gate
Give a plane a command to taxi to a certain destination
Taxi via [Route] ABC123 Taxi via h n k
ABC123 Taxi via h n short 25
Give a plane a command to taxi via a certain route


Voice Recognition

Speech Output